FAQ - Frequently asked Questions

1. Is there support for other languages?

I am sorry, but at the moment there is no other language support than german included. Yes, there are plans to integrate language dependent translation files, but this will take some time. Till then, just email your question or try your best to make it yourself. It's not that heavy! If you want to make some localization for this piece of software, your welcome...

2. Why looks my background so bad?

If the background image is not of the size of your desktop, the software resizes it to fit. That doesn't always look good. If you want better quality, you can resize it with a graphic programm on your own, and give it back to TSB Pro. The software will be happy, if you have done the job for it.

3. Why is the scrolling of the fighters message not smooth?

This is because of the slow Windows GDI Graphic Engine, and limited framerate of 10 frames per second. Even if you have much CPU-power, it's a hard job for GDI handling animation stuff in such big desktop resolutions today. This will be much better with hardware accellerated graphics in the upcoming professional release.

4. Why is the Free Edition limited to 2 Wii-Motes?

I decided to give you a free edition to download for training and small fight sessions. However, if you want more than that, you must understand that if you want something, you should give something back. I don't want much, but I need a little support to go ahead. So if you like it and want more wiimotes, better graphics and so on, just purchase the Professional Competition Edition. For professional tournament use you should anyway.

5. What is the key value for the bluetooth device?

There is no key needed, skip this part during the bluetooth pairing process.

6. Can you recommend a working Bluetooth Adapter?

We used the Hama Nano USB Adapter Modell 049232 with the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack. This works fine. If you want to know more about compatible adapters have a look here

7. Is it illegal to use Nintendo hardware for PC

No it isn't. Nintendo just sells more products. But you can lose your warranty, if you use your Nintendo stuff in other ways then Nintendo expected you to do. We think the hardware is that cheap at the moment, that it is not a big thing if you loose your warranty. If a Wiimote gives up, look for a screwdriver or just buy a new one!

8. Can my Nintendo hardware be damaged, using it on PC ?

No, absolutely not. Your Wiimote will be on holidays if you use it with TSB Pro.

9. Can i design my own stuff like graphics,sounds etc. for TSB Pro?

Sure, feel completly free to do so. You can make your own sound set or background graphic design, or whatever you like. If you think it's nice for others too, you can send it. If we think it's well done, we will include it in a further release and give you credits in the software.

10. How can I change the icon on the desktop?

Right Click the TSB Pro icon. From the pop-up menu select Properties (Eigenschaften). Now select Change Symbol and choose one of the given alternatives.

11. Can you recommend rechargeable batteries and a charge device?

We can recommend Sanyo Eneloop accus and Technoline BC 700 or Technoline BC 900 charging devices.